#10 Potatoes & Meat:
Potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber. It also contains potassium in a higher amount than a banana and provides us with vitamin B6. Potatoes are free from fat, sodium, and cholesterol. It also is a good source of antioxidants. The resistant starch present in potatoes is not broken down fully. It goes to the large intestine and becomes a food for good bacteria present there.
Meat usually is rich in protein and contains all amino acids. It also contains iron which helps in reducing anemia. The nutrients in meat are usually easily absorbed by the body. It enhances muscle strength and bone density. Immunity can be increased for children by the consumption of meat.
Eating meat and potatoes together means you’re ingesting proteins and starch. These two nutrients don’t mix together, and they leave your body undigested. When food’s not properly digested it can cause heartburn, gas, acid reflux, and other digestive issues.