Maimonides famously said, “No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated by any other means”. Food not only provides energy, some of them are natural remedies to fight against diseases. When a person is sick, they may find it difficult to develop an appetite. However, it is important to receive proper diet and stay hydrated, especially during sickness. The right selection of diet may relieve certain symptoms and even help you heal more quickly.
Here is a list of 20 best foods you should try during sickness.
#20 Chicken Soup
Rich in vitamins, abundance of minerals, calories and efficiency of protein makes chicken an easy-to-eat during fever. Chicken soup is a recommended remedy for cold patients and there is a reason. Chicken soup can reduce effects of dehydration in your body and it is a natural decongestant to clear nasal mucus perhaps it gives off hot stream. Alternatively, Chicken has large amount of protein and protein is a building block of bones, muscles, cartilage and blood. Human body uses protein to build and repair tissues.
Bottom Line:
Major ingredients of chicken soup are protein, vitamins and minerals. Chicken soup reduces dehydration, clears nasal mucus or repair tissues.
#19 Ginger Tea
Multi nutritional Ginger tea have some healthy and pain relieving antioxidants. Ginger tea may help controlling nausea and motion sickness and may helping in treat arthritis by decreasing inflammation. Ginger contains fibre, essential vitamins and minerals. Fibre improves the productivity of digestive system and can help in reducing constipation. Ginger tea is a recommended remedy during pregnancy as it reduces the pain associated with menstruation.
Bottom Line:
Ginger contains fibre which is a natural resistance against oxidant and constipation. During pregnancy, fibre can reduce pain associated to menstruation.
#18 Boiled White Rice
Rice is the main source of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy of your body. A bowl of milky white rice can aids in digestion, maintain balance of cholesterol in blood, reduce effects of headache, fatigue, weakness and bad breath. Rice contains chains of complex carbohydrates. During digestion these chains take time to break down and provide a constant source of energy. Starch present in rice is beneficial for diabetic patients.
Bottom Line:
White rice contain rich amount of carbohydrates. Adequate intake of carbohydrates aid in digestion, help maintain level of cholesterol in blood and sooth breath.
#17 Mashed Potatoes
According to U.S Department of Agriculture, half cup of homemade mashed potatoes prepared with butter, whole milk contains about 120 calories, 2 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat, 17 grams of carbohydrates and 2 grams of fibre. Potatoes contain potassium that helps in lowering blood pressure, B6 vitamins critical to maintain brain functioning and nervous system health. The presence of high percentage of carbohydrates may have some advantages; including helping maintain good levels of glucose in blood which is in fundamentals to proper brain functioning.
Bottom Line:
Potatoes contain potassium which helps in lowering blood pressure. They provide B6 vitamins to body which are critical to brain functioning.