#16 Banana Oatmeal
Banana contains Vitamin B6 and C. Vitamin B6 is essential component of red blood cells. They metabolize carbohydrates, fats and amino acids, by turning them into energy. Vitamin C is helpful in protecting body against cell and tissue damage. Banana is the diet which is recommended for nausea and diarrhea. Like banana, Oatmeal has rich vitamins, calories and minerals which are essentials to body during illness. Perfect mashup of banana and oatmeal is both nutrients dense and easy to digest.
Bottom Line:
The mashup of banana and oatmeal is both rich in protein and carbohydrates. They are easy to digest and healthy to eat.
#15 Mango Ice-cream
In addition to being pulpy, opulent and off course king of tastes, mango has some magnificent health benefits too. Mangoes contain enzymes which aiding in the digestion of protein and help in maintaining balance for digestive tract. Mango flush contains fibre, which helps in feeding good bacteria in the gut. Healthy gut determines good health. Mashup of butter and mango in form of Ice-cream ensures protein richen and easy to digest diet. In summer, consuming ice-cream will create healthy mental impressions too. Avoid adding too much sugar while preparing.
Bottom Line:
Mango ice-cream strengthens white blood cells. It reduces the effect of dehydration during summer. Fibre rich mango flush boosts performance of bacteria against disease.
#14 Strawberry Yogurt smoothie
Delicious and healthy! One cup of yogurt provides 150 calories and 8 grams protein. It also contains calcium and other vitamins worthy for health. Yogurt strengths immune system and protect against osteoporosis. In-fact Yogurt increases good HDL cholesterol, which protect heart health. While, Strawberry which is great source of vitamins and antioxidants, Can help in illness by lowering blood pressure, regulating blood sugar and alleviating allergy symptoms. Strawberry is recommended diet for Allery infected patients. Moreover, Frozen Strawberry Yogurt mashup can sooth your throat too.
Bottom Line:
Yogurt increases productivity of immune system while strawberry regulates blood cholesterol level and decreases fungal infections. Sweet combination can reduce headache and dehydration.
#13 Egg Noodles
Egg noodles offer broader spectrum of nutrition than regular pasta as it contains rich amount of sugar and essential amino acids. Due to low percentage of glycemic index, they maintain blood sugar level by providing more sustained energy. A cup of cooked egg noodles contains 211 calories and 40-43 grams of carbohydrates. Eggs are regarded as a complete source of protein containing all nine amino acids, which are regarded as essential intake of muscle growth.
Bottom Line:
Egg noodles are major source of protein and carbohydrates. They contain nine amino acids which are essential to overcome weakness and muscle pain.