Targeted treatments
Different skin suffers different problems. Targeted treatments help in addressing a specific skin concern at a time and then moving forward to another.

For instance, treating skin with products of pigmentation while you suffer from acne will result in no improvement. To achieve flawless skin, it is mandatory to be concerned single problem at a time like acne, pigmentation, wrinkles, scars, fine lines, or open pores. A few solutions can be given below:
Retinoids: Vitamin A contains retinoids that help in preventing and treating fine lines and acne.
Vitamin C: Serums mainly consisting of vitamin C help in brightening skin and removing pigmentation. Vitamin C often acts as an antioxidant.
When it comes to your skin, it is better to seek a doctor rather than always experimenting. Always try to have guidance from an expert and treat the targeted problems under their guidance. This may help in preventing any kind of side and negative impacts of the products and better treatment.