Use Honey to Suppress Cough in Children
Coughing is a common problem in children especially in cold weather. This infection can affect sleep and health conditions for children. Interestingly, Honey is a natural medicine for this case and it works. Honey reduces cough symptoms and improves sleep. But take care in using honey for children with age under one year because it can create botulism.
Honey Alleviates Allergy
Honey can reduce seasonal allergy symptoms due to its anti-inflammatory nature. Honey have pollens, these pollen can trigger an immune response and can help in producing anti bodies to the pollen. These anti bodies can gather up to make a shield against allergenic germs, resulting in a lesser allergic response.
Honey for Muscle Builders
Honey contains fructose and glucose; they can increase blood sugar in short duration. The rise in blood sugar behaves as short term energy which can be useful in long endurance exercises. For muscle building exercises, working out on a stomach in the morning is the way to go because during this reign, your body is in starvation mode. It will help in releasing insulin, which will help in building bulk. So using honey during exercise can help in maximizing working out hours.
Use Honey to Increase Memory
Honey is loaded with antioxidants. These anti oxidative molecules may prevent cellular loss with in brain. Another argument is, honey helps in absorbing calcium. Calcium is an important element in thought process. According to research, poor intake of vitamins and minerals, likelihood of dementia increases. Dementia is an overall term that describes the symptoms associated with declining in memory or other thinking process.
Sleep Aid
Honey is a recommended remedy for patients of sleep disorder. Honey can boost in insulin and release serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that boosts mood and happiness. Honey contains amino acids, including tryptophan that found in turkey. Tryptophan is converted into serotonin and then into melatonin, which helps in sleep. Eating more honey can reduce sleep disorder.