Fatty Fish

Fatty Fish? For glowing skin? Yes! Fatty fish is an outstanding source of food that can help you get your dream glowing skin. Fatty fish consists of healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to keep the skin hydrated, moisturized, and subtle. They also decrease problems like skin inflammation and irritation that can damage and harm the skin cells causing rashes and acne. They also help in protecting the main from pollution, sun tanning, harmful UV radiations, and other harmful environmental factors. Fatty fish also contains vitamin E which is known for its anti-oxidative properties. It helps in rejuvenating new skin cells. Salmon, flaxseed oil, Tuna, Mackerel, and more popular fatty fish that help in making the skin glow. You can eat either baked, grilled, poached, or any other form of fatty fish and enjoy both the delicious seafood and glowing skin together.