Leg Scab
Do you remember, how many scabs you ever had on your arms, legs, neck and even whole body?
No memory. I think!
Counting of failures becomes less important when intimacy of struggles to accomplish a mission comes to its peak.
In early years of life, climbing wall, jumping and water-gun attacks were the part of enjoyments and adventures. No matter, how many times Mom told to avoid.
If I saw any Child with scabs on his body, it reminds me my Childhood. What a nice part of the life that was!
Star Wars Series
Remember when the first time you saw any star wars episode.
I got it! I think when I was 5 years old.
What was your favorite character after that?
I got it. Skywalker!
How many of us were dreaming about being on a secret mission to save the mommy house from aliens and make mommy proud.
Star Wars is still there and I wondered ever I find the same passion and imagination as they were.