Think like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day by Jay Shetty

Do you wish to have a pearl of powerful wisdom and a keen understanding of life? This book is what you need to have a clear mindset. You will learn to live a more peaceful and happy life. You will find your life purposeful. He says how important it is to control your thoughts and explains the power of mediation. Meditation can help you control your emotions and thoughts, and deal with the obstacles practically. The author also forces the significance of taking action and teaches us to find pleasure in giving attitude and kindness. It will certainly change your life completely. So, if you have time and are eager to read and grasp important knowledge, then read it once.
Beloved by Toni Morrison

Do you love fictional books? If so, then you would love this novel based on the theme of trauma and slavery. The style of the novel is quite different from the one you might have read to date. Beloved is an imagery with a powerful symbolism novel. This complexity and challenging attitude of the story will make you read till the end. So, give it a read and enjoy this captivating story.
What’s the thought?
When you are someone who is deeply into reading, then exploring the different genres of books is the best thing you can do. Reading books will not just fascinate you to read them and act as a hobby, but also will teach you numerous life lessons. Reading the books, we discussed in this blog will help you change your way of living, thinking, and perspective about life. These books will not help you, only in developing your wisdom and knowledge. These books will change your personality completely. Don’t waste your time, go and read the books right away. Read, learn, change, and grow!